For over 30 years Michelle Burnett has worked in the dental profession, with 10 years devoted extensively to working with children as a dental therapist for the government. For the last 20 years she has worked as a hygienist, with GWH Dental. The area of dentistry that interests Michelle the most is prevention, which led her to volunteer dental work in Africa in 2010 and Vanuatu in 2011. Her philosophy is moderation. The only time there should be excess is when prevention is involved!

Dentistry wasn’t a career Michelle had considered until her mother suggested it in her final year of high school, but she notes the opportunities she has been given have been amazing.  Michelle has had the ability to travel and it has enabled her to successfully juggle a professional career and family life. She is married and has two children, and family is the most important thing to her. Michelle says one of her most enjoyable activities are hiking and travelling with her husband.