Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Aesthetic Dentistry

Dental implants are innovative tooth replacement solutions that mimic thestructure and function of natural teeth. They offer exceptional stability, natural appearance, and functionality, allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods and smile confidently. They are a long-lasting investment in your oral health by preventing bone loss and maintaining the integrity of surrounding teeth.providing a permanent solution that can significantly enhance your quality of life.

The loss of a natural tooth or teeth can either be a cosmetic problem, compromised chewing function or both. These problems can have cascading effects on one’s health. Implants can restore the mouth’s ural function, resulting in increased oral comfort and confidence.

Dental implants are placed into the jaw bone and allowed to osseointegrate (fuse to the bone). They then act like the roots of teeth. You can then attach a single crown, a bridge or connectors to help hold down removable full or partial dentures. Dental implants are a flexible mechanical system tailored to your specific scenario.

Benefits of dental implants

  • Require simple care
  • Resembles real teeth in terms of appearance and functionality
  • Does not compromise adjacent, healthy teeth
  • Designed to last with appropriate oral hygiene practices

Single Tooth Implants

A single tooth dental implant can replace your missing tooth entirely, from root to crown, unlike other restorations. If you have one or more missing teeth that are not adjacent to each other, then a single tooth dental implant might be the best solution for you.

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Multiple Teeth Implants

Unlike single tooth implants, which require one implant per prosthetic tooth, multiple teeth implants offer the advantage of replacing several teeth or even entire arches in the mouth using just a few implants. This makes the process more efficient and cost-effective.

All Teeth Replacement

If you are missing a majority or all of your teeth in either your upper or lower jaw, an implant-retained overdenture might be the best alternative for you. Traditional dentures, lacking stability, can lead to discomfort and unreliability during everyday activities such as eating and talking. By utilizing dental implants, you can experience the benefits of improved retention by securely attaching your denture to the implants. This attachment allows for easy removal of your denture for efficient cleaning of both the denture and the implants.

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Implant overdentures

Denture retention can be greatly improved by clicking the denture onto 2 implants using locators.

If you do not like the pink extensions of your dentures or your palate being covered, you can transition to hybrid dentures (still removable) or fixed (non removable) dentures. These options will typically need more implants than the removable overdentures.

Strengths and Considerations

Unfortunately dental implants are not invincible, and are not suitable for everyone. Whilst they are decay proof, they are still susceptible to gum disease. The good news is dental implants require the same everyday care as teeth –good brushing and flossing.

Did you know that dental implants are even used to help attach prosthetic ears, eyes and noses?

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FAQS About Dental Implants
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible materials, such as titanium, surgically placed into the jawbone to support replacement teeth or dental prosthetics, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.
Dental implants are permanent and act as a sturdy foundation for individual replacement teeth. Dentures and bridges are removable and rely on adjacent teeth or dental adhesives for support.
Most people with good oral and general health can be candidates for dental implants. Adequate bone density and healthy gums are essential factors for successful implant placement.
Dental implant placement involves a surgical procedure where the implant post is inserted into the jawbone. After a healing period (osseointegration), an abutment is attached to the implant, and the replacement tooth or dental prosthesis is secured on top.
The implant surgery is typically performed with local anaesthesia, so patients do not feel pain during the procedure. Some discomfort and swelling may be experienced after the surgery, but it can be managed with prescribed pain medication.
The dental implant process can take several months to complete. It includes the healing period for osseointegration, the placement of the abutment, and the fabrication and placement of the final dental prosthesis.
With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices are crucial for their long-term success.
Yes, dental implants function like natural teeth, allowing you to eat and drink most foods without any restrictions. They provide stable chewing support.
Dental implants are not noticeable in the mouth as they are placed beneath the gumline. The replacement teeth or dental prosthetics attached to the implants are designed to match your natural teeth, creating a seamless appearance.
Dental implant coverage varies widely among dental insurance plans. While some plans may cover a portion of the implant procedure, others may consider it a cosmetic treatment and not provide coverage. It’s essential to check with your dental insurance provider to understand your specific coverage.

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