Gum Disease (Periodontal disease)

Gum Disease (Periodontal disease)

Gum Health

Gum disease or periodontal disease is a common oral health condition characterised by inflammation and infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth. If left untreated, gum disease can progress to more severe stages, potentially causing tooth mobility and loss. Regular visits at GWH Dental care will ensure early intervention to prevent and manage gum disease.


Gum Health

Gum Treatment

Gum Treatment focuses on addressing gum issues and maintaining optimal gum health. Through various procedures, such as scaling and root planing, and gum grafting. However, the most important role we have is to show the patient the best methods for maintaining healthy gums.

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FAQS About Gum Disease (Periodontal disease)
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an inflammatory condition that affects the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth. It ranges from mild gingivitis (gum inflammation) to severe periodontitis, which can lead to tooth loss.
Gum disease is primarily caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. If plaque is not removed through proper oral hygiene, it can irritate and inflame the gums, leading to gum disease.
Common signs of gum disease include red, swollen, or tender gums, bleeding gums during brushing or flossing, bad breath, receding gums, loose teeth, and changes in the way your teeth fit together when biting.
Yes, if left untreated, gum disease can progress and cause damage to the gums and the supporting bone structure, leading to tooth loss.
Yes, gum disease is preventable through regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene practices (brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash). Smoking and diabetes also increase your chances of developing gum disease.
Yes, gum disease can be treated and managed at different stages. Early-stage gum disease (gingivitis) can often be reversed with professional cleanings and improved oral hygiene. Advanced gum disease (periodontitis) may require more intensive treatments, such as scaling and root planing or even gum surgery.
Anyone can develop gum disease, but certain factors increase the risk, including poor oral hygiene, smoking or tobacco use, genetics, hormonal changes (e.g., during pregnancy), and certain medical conditions (e.g., diabetes).
Yes, gum disease has been linked to various systemic health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, respiratory problems, and complications during pregnancy. Proper gum health is essential for overall well-being.
Regular dental check-ups are essential for detecting and preventing gum disease. It is generally recommended to have dental check-ups every six months, or more frequently if your dentist recommends it based on your oral health needs.
To maintain healthy gums, follow a consistent oral hygiene routine, attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings, eat a balanced diet, avoid tobacco use, and promptly address any signs of gum disease or dental issues.

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